What is IT Managed Service?
Bhutan Spyders offer wide range of remote or on-site Private, Hybrid or Cloud IT , with responsibilities ranging from specific on-demand response to 24/7/365 coverage of your organization IT duties. Your organizations can leverage our cost-effective service to reduce in-house IT workload or fill gaps left by existing IT roles and skills.
Our Services
Our Qualities
Our Framework
We offer our services based on open standard technology framework of processes aimed at management, maintenance, and modernisation of applications and information systems. Our valued client gains maximum wins out of this approach leveraging the community driven secured technology that is risk-free and sustainable at a low cost.
Context Aware
From our past experience we recognised that the the context of your environment is extremely crucial before bootstrapping execution. As all systems are interconnected, a change in one system can easily affect others. For this reason, we operate proactively and reactively, maintaining our view and grip on ‘product, people, and process’.
Our professionals are experts in what we do, but are also all-round in other techniques and tools. Their versatility makes them perfectly suitable for your needs.